

collection of various PCBs stackable onto various MCU modules like

:warning: all modules run with 3.3V, some might be 5V tolerant, but it is up to you to verify!

PCB Build Status Description
ANA kicad-exports prototype 2ch analog in/out
BOOST kicad-exports prototype Lipo battery charger
BUS kicad-exports prototype Modbus and CANbus module
CONN kicad-exports prototype CONN
ESP kicad-exports prototype ESP
LOG kicad-exports prototype micro SD card shield with real time clock
LORA kicad-exports prototype Lora transceiver 868MHz
POS kicad-exports prototype GPS receiver and gyroscope module
QWIIC kicad-exports prototype BME280 sensor and analog extension
UART kicad-exports prototype USB to RS232, RS485, SPI, I2C, JTAG
WING kicad-exports prototype Adafruit FeatherWing Breakout
ZPM kicad-exports prototype energy harvesting module